Edison had this great idea once about creating a source of light using a filament. He tried a number of different designs and materials, failing a thousand times before finally coming up with the right combination. When asked about that process later in life he said, “I didn’t fail. We now know a thousand ways not to build a light bulb.” Thanks to Edison, we also now know a thousand ways to do it right. He took his idea, got some business capital financing, and ran with it. You can too.
There are millions of great ideas wasted every day around the world. How many times have you watched one of those infomercials on television and said, “Wow, I had that idea years ago. Why didn’t I follow through with it?” You’re not alone. There are thousands of people just like you who feel they should have been the ones to make money on “The Clapper” or the “The Snuggie”. When you have an idea you need to take it to the next level. Apply for a business capital loan and make it a reality.
“Good ideas are common. What are uncommon are people who'll work hard enough to bring them about.” The origins of this particular quote seem to have gotten lost over time, but the meaning is clear. Anyone can have a good idea. What separates the winners from the losers is the amount of work that is put in to make the idea a reality. Some working capital funding can help, but there’s nothing like good old-fashioned elbow grease to get a company off the ground.
The world that we live in today offers entrepreneurs opportunities they’ve never seen before. The internet has opened up new markets around the world and provided idea people with a new source to get financing to make their dreams come true. Don’t be the person sitting on the couch wondering why you didn’t act when you had a chance. Your idea is a good one. Get to work and start selling it to others.